Your opinion, please.

I started writing a book a few months ago. I woke in the middle of the night with a story clawing at my throat, so I slipped out of bed, opened Google Docs, and typed for hours on an annoying, digital keyboard that insisted on replacing correctly-spelled common words with arbitrary esoteric terms for unrelated topics. It was torture, but the writing demon inside me would not take no for an answer. Eventually, I came back to myself and realized that the sun would be up soon, and so would my son. I was definitely going to regret staying up so late. So I went to bed without finishing the story, and didn’t touch it for months. I’m re-reading it, and I do think I’d like to finish it, but I’m kind of wondering if this first paragraph would compel anyone to finish reading the story. Oh, Content Warning: Naughty F-word.

When the queen of the fairies gave birth to a half human child, the fairy court would not tolerate its presence in their kingdom. Mischievous male fairies had always enjoyed planting their seed in unwitting human women, but the resulting children were never allowed to take part in fairy society. No one could fathom what had possessed their wise queen to fuck a human king and then harbor the resulting abomination within her very body, but they all agreed that the creature could not be allowed to dwell within their world, learning their secrets, and perhaps sharing them with her human brethren. The queen, for her part, had fallen in love with the child from the first beat of her heart. She could no more abandon the child than she could abandon Faerie.

Anyway, thank you if you are willing to share your (respectful) opinion.

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